First Ladies

24th issue In-On

Emphasis on the public space and its retrieval
by the citizens through culture:
events, concerts, activities for adults and children, free of charge

«The fundamental problems we face have to do with ineffective bureaucratic procedures as well as the need to overcome the stereotypical ways of thinking of the past regarding culture in the Region. Now, the emphasis is given by the new Regional Authority to the strategic planning and to the issues of culture’’, the Deputy Head of Culture of the Region of Attica Mrs. Evi Apostolakis mentions in an interview to “In-On” magazine.

Question: What are your duties and in which field?
Answer: I am responsible for the issues of culture -a broad and extremely difficult sector and sensitive at the same time- which concerns Attica in general and not only the center of Athens. So, this constitutes a challenge especially in the current difficult conditions that the Local Government experiences. Let us not forget that the Local Government has utterly been affected by the humanitarian crisis to such an extent that some perceive culture as an unnecessary luxury. But this is not so. It often happens the opposite. Culture in all its manifestations is considered a fundamental prerequisite  that can hep overcome  the crisis as a society with solidarity and consistent manner. For this reason, we emphasize on public space and its retrieval by the citizens through culture: with events, concerts, activities for adults and children, with no charge. For example, in Pedion Areos park at Christmas we organized, free of charge children’s shows and a concert.

Question: How will a female look help solve the problems of the Region of Attica?
Answer: The solution of the problems for the benefit of the citizen and the environment is a political choice and for this reason both women and men can serve it just as well. We all struggle to overcome the bad points of public administration which existed due to the  specific political choices of the parties in power of the past, namely New Democracy and PASOK. At the same time we also seek to overcome  the structural problem of non-production in the field of primary culture at the regional level. We are moving towards this direction with constant, systematic steps.

Question: What are the advantages of a woman in a managerial post and what ways can be opened?
Answer: The perception and theoretical tools with which one can approach the needs and the difficulties of a position of responsibility, as I prefer to call the hierarchy posts, do not stem from the competition between the sexes. They mainly have to do with criteria such as social usefulness and systematic work. But above all, the element of effectiveness is dominant. Namely, it mainly has to do with the purpose each and everyone of us serves, our consistency and the relevant outputs. Indeed, the fact that a young woman has undertaken such responsibilities in the first region of the country, is a step forward. However, an unfinished course of progress as far and as long as it should be obvious. Real progress will be achieved when such questions have no place to be asked. And this will be realized when the social conditions will be ready to make the strong presence of women in positions of responsibility “regular” rather than just an exception.

Curriculum Vitae
Evi Apostolakis, is the Deputy Head of Culture in the largest Region of the country, in Attica. It is the first time  that a special sector for Culture in Attica is established. She is responsible for this  since autumn 2014, with “life force”.
She was born and raised in Perissos in 1987. She graduated from the Department of History and Archeology of the University of Crete and later she was a post-graduate student of Modern History at Panteion University. She speaks two languages, English and  German.
She used to be a collaborator of the Research Center of Modern History.
Since her student years, she was a member of the Youth Alliance where she served as Secretary of Northern Athens, also member of the Central Council and Secretariat. During the Founding Conference of the Youth sector of  SYRIZA in December 2013, she was elected as a member of the Central Council where she remains till today.

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