Love and Respect for our customers is the key to success

Love and respect for the customers are the main elements of the strategy of “Capsis” Hotel Units, according to the owner, Mrs Capsis. “I love my enterprises as my own children and before I procceed to novelties I think as a customer first”, she comments. Of course – as Mrs Helen Capsis elaborates – efficient administration and proper services to new visitors are of grave importance”.
Question: What are the new developent plans for “Capsis Enterprices”.
Answer: We have got thoughts and plans for developments based on concrete research. Top priority is not only the maintenance but also the further development of our three Hotel units, namely Capsis Hotel, Bristol Hotel in Thessaloniki and Astoria Hotel in Crete. In an attempt to forsee future developments in the field and, therefore, establish our company identity, certain changes are already in process, regarding a better coordination of our three hotel units. The clear aim is an even more efficient administration. Surely, a total renovation of our units and the appropriate service provision to our quests is our priority.
Question: To what extend is the new opening to countries such as Russia and China going to increase tourism in Crete.
Answer: Research shows that tourism will highly increase. Strange as it may seen, our company continues to depend on domestic tourism and for that reason our hotel units are preferred by the Greeks. Therefore, tourists from China and Russia can partly influence our strategy, since it is not totally based on these countries.
Question: How has the feminine perspective influenced the development of the company?
Answer: Both “Bristol” and “Capsis” in Thessaloniki, as well as “Astoria” in Herakleion are identical to the words “experience” and “tradition”. Personally, of course, it’s something deeper. I feel them as my “own children”.  I have devoted considerable time and energy and if you want, my greatest satisfaction is to take pleasure while achieving my efforts. I have loved my hotels as I have my children.
The philosophy of Capsis Hotels and what they represent today, sterns from a basic and inviolable principle: never offer less than what you want to be offered. The key of our success lies in the notion that everyone in Capsis Hotels thinks and functions as a customer first and especially as a customer with increasing demands.

Curriculum Vitae
I was born in Athens on November 16th, 1953. I’ve lived in Athens all my life, apart from the period 1968-1971 when I attended school and completed my studies in Switzerland and additionally the eight years that I lived in Herakleion, Crete (19977-1985). I attended classes at Arsakeion School and College School of Athens bu finished Senior High School in Switzerland where I continued my studies in French Literature. As a student I revealed a great interest in businesses. At a time of inner quest, I realised any decision would determine my life in the future and my development as a bussinessperson. The fact that  I left home to study is to my view the greatest experience of all. In Switzerland I learnt a lot and matured, since I was forced to depend on my own so as to “survive” in a country completely different than mine: a quite country impeccably organised that offers plenty of opportunities, nevertheless, nothing really so exciting happens to stir things up.
Actually, in Switzerland I was brought in touch with another kind of tourism and subconsciously I began to compare it to the developing tourism in Greece. I still remember that when I was a student I first  stayed at the so called today “Boutique Hotel”. This type of hotel really impressed me and since then, the creation of a corresponding hotel in Greece, has become a “Fixation” for me.
To this end, this experience resulted in the creation of  “Bristol Hotel” in Thessaloniki. Its function started in 2000 and I have visualised it as a special, exceptional  place in the heart of the City. “Bristol Hotel” is by all means the one that carries my personal touch, not only in the decoration, but in the way it is run, as well.

Source of publication 3th issue In-On

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